How to install WordPress on localhost | XAMPP local Server
Tutorial shows you, how to install WordPress on localhost using xampp local server. Create local web server and local WordPress website.
Install WordPress locally with 5 easy steps
WordPress Download:
XAMPP Download:
Notepad++ Download:
Steps to install WordPress on XAMPP web server:
1. Assign a Static Local IP Address for your Server
2. XAMPP Installation
3. Test XAMPP Server with Your First PHP Script
4. Secure XAMPP Server (Set MySQL Root Password)
5. WordPress Installation
1. Assign a Static Local IP Address for your Server
Open CMD (command prompt) and type: ipconfig /all
The windows command is used for displaying all current network configuration information
This is all info what you need IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS server
Right click on computer icon and Open Network and Sharing Center
Click on Change adapter settings
Right click on your local adapter, and click properties
Find and open Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Select Use the following IP address, and enter your new IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, and DNS server, that corresponds with your network setup.
2. XAMPP Installation
Recommendation: install XAMPP in default directory C:\xammp
3. Test XAMPP Server with Your First PHP Script
Open XAMPP control panel
Start Apache server and Start MySQL server (If you get any error, feel free to ask me any question)
Open your web browser and type localhost, go to PHPInfo, If it shows you localhost/dashboard and PHPInfo page all is good.
Go to XAMPP root directory folder (htdocs) and delete index.php
Create a PHP file:
Create a file named index.php (Recommendation: use notepad ++) and put it in your web server's root directory with the following script:
Hello YouTube
4. Secure XAMPP Server (Set MySQL Root Password)
Open your web browser and type localhost/phpmyadmin
Click on “User accounts”
Find account with user name “root” and host name “localhost”
Click “Edit privileges”
Then “Change password”
Type your password twice and hit “Go”
Then, when you try to access the page, you will get an error:
(Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost')
Go to C:\xampp\phpMyAdmin, open “” file (with text editor Notepad ++)
find line / Authentication type and info / and edit this two lines:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'YourPasswordHere';
Retry to connect
5. WordPress Installation
Unzip WordPress
Go to root directory folder, and create a new folder for your local website
Move all WordPress files in your website folder
Go to localhost/phpmyadmin and Create MySQL Database for your WordPress website
Open the wp-config-sample.php file with notepad
Type your MySQL database name, user and password
Save file as wp-config.php
Open your web browser, and go to your website: localhost/
Choose language
Enter your details and click “Install WordPress.”
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