Double Router Port Forwarding - Port forward through modem and router

Double Router Port Forwarding

Tutorial shows you, how to port forward through modem and router (Double router port forwarding). Demonstration on ZTE modem and LINKSYS router

Steps to forward ports in a network with more than one router - double port forwarding:

 First we need to forward the port in router1 to router2's external IP address. The next step is to forward port, from router2 to the device, for which you are opening port, in this example, it is Computer with static IP address.
The network devices for which ports are being forwarded need to have a static IP address

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Useful links:

How to change IP address on windows 7, Windows 8, Linux, Android Tablets:

How to Setting up wireless router with cable modem - configure router step by step:

Router Passwords:

Port Forwarding Guides
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